About KVK
KVK Patan
KVK Patan
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About Our Krishi Vigyan Kendra

About K.V.K.

The KVK scheme is 100% financed by Govt. of India and the KVKs are sanctioned to Agricultural Universities, ICAR institutes, related Government Departments and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) working in Agriculture. 

KVK, is an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS), aims at assessment of location-specific technology modules in agriculture and allied enterprises, through technology assessment, refinement, and demonstrations. KVKs have been functioning as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technology supporting initiatives of the public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district and are linking the NARS with extension system and farmers.

Activity of K.V.K.

On farm testing to identify the location specificity of technologies in various farming systems.

Front Line demonstration to establish production potentials of newly released technologies on  farmers fields and provide feedback.

Training of farmers and farm women to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.

Works as resources and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.

Create awareness about frontier technologies through large number of extension activities like Farmer fair, Field day, Strategic campaign, Ex-trainees meet etc.

The seed and planting materials produce by the KVKs also be made available to the farmers.

Priority Thrust Areas

Crop /


Thrust Area

Crop / Enterprise

Thrust Area


Integrated Nutrient management, Micro Irrigation System, Integrated weed management, Integrated pest management, Integrated Disease management


Nursery Management, Integrated Nutrient Management, Micro Irrigation System, Value Addition, Production Technology, Integrated Disease Management, Integrated Pest Management


Integrated Nutrient management, Integrated weed management, Micro Irrigation System Integrated pest management, Integrated Disease management

Pomegranate and Lime

Plant propogation technique Training & Pruning, Rejuvenation of old orchards, Micro Nutrient Application, Micro Irrigation System Integrated Disease Management, Integrated Pest Management, Value Addition


Integrated Nutrient management, Integrated weed management, Micro Irrigation System, Integrated pest management, Integrated Disease management

Soil Health

Production of Organic Inputs, Soil Fertility Management, Management of problematic soil


Integrated Nutrient management, Integrated weed management, Micro Irrigation System, Integrated pest management, Integrated Disease management


Dairy Management, Feed Management, Disease Management, Breeding Management, Production of livestock feed and Animal nutrition management


Integrated Nutrient management Integrated weed management Micro Irrigation System Integrated pest management Integrated Disease management

Fodder Bajra and Sorghum

Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Nutrient Management, Fodder production.


Production & management, technology Water management, Integrated Pest & Disease management, Value addition.

Home Science

Use of solar cooker Fruits & veg. preservation Farm women empowerment through income generation activity Drudgery reduction House hold Food Security by kitchen gardening and nutritional gardening Income generating activity Low cost & high nutrition diet Women & child care

Functional linkage with different organizations

Name of Organization

Nature of Linkage

Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agril. University, S. K. Nagar

Linkage for seasonal training cum workshop of kharif, Rabi and summer crops.

Linkage for various demonstration of farm technology.

Linkage for diagnostic services.

Technical guidance.

Agril. Department Distt.- Patan

Linkage for exchange of information regarding farming.

Linkage for training programme of seasonal crops for practicing farmers.

Linkage for training of extension functionaries.

Gujarat State Fertilizer & Chemical Ltd. Sidhpur

Linkage for demonstration about efficient and proper use of chemical fertilizer and importance of bio-fertilizer.

Linkage for soil and water analysis and training programme to farmers.

G.N.F.C. Sidhpur

Linkage for soil and water analysis.

Linkage for farmer training programme.

Department of Animal Husbandry, Dist.- Patan

Linkage for training of management of milking animal & steps to solve the burning problem of cattle owner.

Linkage for training to Ext. functionaries.

Dept. of Horticulture Dist.- Patan

To create awareness regarding different schemes of Horticulture development.

To increase the awareness about protective cultivation in shade net.

Farmers Training Centre, Patan

linkage for imparting training to farmers & farm women & rural youth

ICDS Patan

In-service training programme and sponsored training programme

ATMA Patan

Seasonal training programme.

Demonstration of Agril. technology.

IWMP, Patan

Imparting training to the extension functionaries, farmers & farm women about soil reclamation & other enterprises


Training to members of farm science club

Reliance Information System Patan

Quick delivery of message in large scale through Kisan Mobile sandesh.